Disordered-Eating Treatment in NyC
Help for those struggling with body image issues and disordered-eating

An approach to treating body image and disordered eating issues rooted in Health at Every Size®
You’re sick of feeling anxious, self-conscious, or ashamed about your body shape or size or your eating habits.
You’re exhausted from cycling through diets or lifestyle changes around food that are never sustainable and lead to frustration, guilt, and self-deprecation.
Living with guilt, shame, or anxiety about your body and your relationship to food or exercise feels excruciating and exhausting.
Disordered Eating Treatment can help set you free by helping you improve your relationship with your body and food.
Disordered eating and body image dissatisfaction can take many forms. Diet culture, fatphobia, and the idealization of thin bodies impact so many of us and create barriers to feeling at peace with ourselves and comfortable in our own skin.
Diet culture and fatphobia can steal so many of our precious resources, including our time, energy, money, and joy. Imagine how much brain space you would free up if you weren’t consumed with thoughts and feelings related to food and/or exercise.
How do I know if I need to consult with a disordered eating therapist?
Are you troubled by:
Feeling sick of constantly trying new diets or approaches to food (e.g., “clean” eating) that create stress or cycles of restriction
Feeling bad, ashamed, or “less than” due to your body shape or size
Struggling with pressure or guilt around movement or exercise as it relates to changing your body shape or size, or using exercise to compensate for food consumption
Avoiding activities or aspects of life that make you feel self-conscious or bad about your body or eating habits such as taking photos, going to the doctor, or sex
Obsessing over calorie counting, tracking, or calculating food intake
Worrying about or avoiding social gatherings because of limited access to safe or diet foods or fear of access to foods you are restricting
Holding yourself back from doing things you want until you lose weight
Getting stuck in cycles of food restriction and overeating
Feeling like you lack willpower or are to blame for not being able to stick to food rules
What would it be like to take back ownership of your life?
Imagine a life in which your mind and heart are no longer occupied with anxiety and negative feelings related to your relationship with food and your body. Struggles with body image and disordered eating take up space in our lives that keep you from working toward your goals and values and prevent you from pursuing meaning, joy, and purpose in the here and now. Life is too short for us to spend it feeling anxious or inadequate due to our bodies. A disordered-eating therapist can help.
Disordered Eating Treatment in NYC will help you make peace with food and your body and connect with and honor your own needs, wants, and preferences rather than following the external cues that diet culture imposes on us.
Many of us believe that our goal should be to work toward loving our bodies, and this can feel overwhelming or unattainable. While body positivity and love is wonderful, I prioritize helping my clients focus on developing a neutral, kind, and peaceful relationship with their bodies so that concerns around body image take up less space. While we don’t have to love everything about our bodies every minute of every day, consistently treating our bodies with kindness and respect goes a long way.
Find freedom through therapy for healing disordered eating patterns and body image concerns

disordered eating Treatment can help you:
Develop a neutral, peaceful relationship with food and exercise
Set boundaries with others to minimize exposure to triggers for shame or disordered eating or exercise behaviors
Free up your time and energy that have been consumed by food rules, shame, and guilt to make way for things that bring you joy and are aligned with your goals and values
As a certified Intuitive Eating counselor, I utilize a Health at Every Size® approach integrated with trauma-informed care and evidence-based interventions including cognitive-behavioral therapy, acceptance-and-commitment therapy, and emotionally-focused individual therapy to support my clients with rejecting diet culture and developing a neutral and respectful relationship with their bodies and food.
What are Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size?
The practice of Intuitive Eating is an evidence-based self-care eating framework that is aligned with Health at Every Size®. The intuitive eating principles help you make peace with food and your body by:
Building attunement to physical sensations and cues from our bodies to meet our biological and psychological needs
Addressing the barriers to increasing attunement to our physical and mental needs including obstacles related to our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings.
Health at Every Size is rooted in the principle that bodies of all shapes and sizes deserve dignity and respect, as well as the notion that intentional weight loss is a failed, unsustainable endeavor. Research shows that intentional weight loss, even in the pursuit of health, is not an evidence-based intervention. Rather, long term weight loss is not sustainable for 95% of those who attempt it, and leads to various health problems including disordered eating and eating disorders, weight cycling, and body discrimination, weight stigma, and bias.
Ready to learn more about disordered eating treatment in nyc?
If you are ready to break from the cycles of guilt, shame, anxiety, and self-loathing that keep you entrenched in a painful and consuming relationship with your body, food, and exercise, schedule a free 30-minute consultation to get started. Start your journey to freedom and a happier, healthier life that is truly sustainable.
In addition to disordered eating treatment, as a New York City therapist, I offer mental health services for teens and adults including therapy for anxiety, therapy for depression, and PTSD therapy, as well as therapy for those who want to improve their relationships among other speciality areas. I specialize in therapy for women who want to find fulfillment, build self-worth, and become the best version of themselves. I provide online therapy to residents of New York, Connecticut, and Washington D.C.